Less than 60% in Degree

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Total testimonials in less than 60% in Degree category: 28144

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Name: Fouziya kouser
Degree: BE
Degree %: 51.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Information Science(IS)
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Embedded thumbnail for deepscel@gmail.com
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Name: Deepak Celestine J
Degree: BE
Degree %: 56.50
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Embedded thumbnail for vaishnavy270@gmail.com
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Name: yashpal vaishnav
Degree: BE
Degree %: 58.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Embedded thumbnail for reddybasha.d@gmail.com
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Name: Reddy Basha
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 59.40
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Hemanth Sai P S
Degree: BE
Degree %: 56.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Mechanical(ME)
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Name: Sanjana G S
Degree: BE
Degree %: 51.30
YOP: 2019
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Vinayak Roa SK
Degree: BE
Degree %: 50.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Name: varun
Degree: BE
Degree %: 56.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Embedded thumbnail for thallasushma1998@gmail.com
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Name: T.Sushma
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 58.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Electrical & Electronics(EEE)
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Name: Shubham Salunkhe
Degree: BE
Degree %: 57.20
YOP: 2020
Stream: Civil
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Name: Viraj Mahendra Joshi
Degree: BE
Degree %: 59.32
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Embedded thumbnail for pawanvanikar@gmail.com
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Name: Pawan Rajesh Vanikar
Degree: BE
Degree %: 58.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Other
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Embedded thumbnail for poonam1998lembhe@gmail.com
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Name: Poonam lembhe
Degree: BSC
Degree %: 58.31
YOP: 2019
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Mayuri Patil
Degree: BE
Degree %: 59.35
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Embedded thumbnail for sourabhbhosale21@gmail.com
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Name: Sourabh Sunil Bhosale
Degree: BSC
Degree %: 53.56
YOP: 2018
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Embedded thumbnail for prajaktakakade97@gmail.com
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Name: Prajakta Pandharinath Kakade
Degree: BE
Degree %: 59.80
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Embedded thumbnail for niramayroy23@gmail.com
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Name: Niramay Nityanand Roy
Degree: BE
Degree %: 59.60
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Embedded thumbnail for kunalborse321@gmail.com
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Name: Kunal Sanju Borse
Degree: BE
Degree %: 58.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Mechanical(ME)
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Embedded thumbnail for shashi.k1909@gmail.com
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Name: Shashireka
Degree: BE
Degree %: 56.00
YOP: 2017
Stream: Telecomm(TCE)
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Embedded thumbnail for poojapadagatti98@gmail.com
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Name: Pooja Padagatti
Degree: BE
Degree %: 59.50
YOP: 2020
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Embedded thumbnail for mdfaisal.a334@gmail.com
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Name: Mohammed Faisal L
Degree: BE
Degree %: 45.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Embedded thumbnail for ktejashwini4@gmail.com
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Name: Tejashwini K
Degree: BE
Degree %: 54.05
YOP: 2020
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Name: Preethi B R
Degree: BE
Degree %: 59.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Ajay E G
Degree: BE
Degree %: 56.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Mechanical(ME)
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Name: Sandhya V
Degree: BE
Degree %: 58.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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