Less than 60% in Degree

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Total testimonials in less than 60% in Degree category: 28144

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Name: Shiva Chethan PV
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 59.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Shashank Kumar
Degree: BE
Degree %: 58.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Keerthana
Degree: BE
Degree %: 56.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: purshotham A
Degree: BE
Degree %: 58.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Shreenidhi R Chippalkatti
Degree: BE
Degree %: 59.80
YOP: 2020
Stream: Electrical & Electronics(EEE)
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Name: Mohammed Haaris
Degree: BE
Degree %: 51.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Electrical & Electronics(EEE)
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Name: Sumit Sahni
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 59.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Instrumentation Technology(IT)
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Name: Suryansh Tomar
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 6.27
YOP: 2020
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Name: Karan Shah
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 56.00
YOP: 2020
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Name: N.Sai Kishore
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 57.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Name: Sameer Shurpali
Degree: BE
Degree %: 54.50
YOP: 2019
Stream: Information Science(IS)
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Name: Darshan R B
Degree: BE
Degree %: 54.36
YOP: 2019
Stream: Mechanical(ME)
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Name: Lingampet mallikarjun
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 52.00
YOP: 2018
Stream: Mechanical(ME)
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Name: Swathi.K
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 58.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Name: V.Aravind
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 58.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Name: Nanda Kishore Gattukinda Songa
Degree: BSC
Degree %: 53.00
YOP: 2016
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Swetha E
Degree: BE
Degree %: 57.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
Link Link Idea Infinity IT Solutions.
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Name: Preeti Singh
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 57.00
YOP: 2018
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Name: Sriram C R
Degree: BE
Degree %: 59.00
YOP: 2018
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Sagar B S
Degree: BE
Degree %: 55.47
YOP: 2019
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Nitheesh Kumar P V
Degree: BCA
Degree %: 56.00
YOP: 2016
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Harisha G V
Degree: BE
Degree %: 55.00
YOP: 2019
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Somlata Kumari
Degree: BTech
Degree %: 55.40
YOP: 2019
Stream: Computer Science(CS)
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Name: Ashish Balasaheb Jadhav
Degree: BE
Degree %: 58.62
YOP: 2019
Stream: Electronics & Communication(E&C)
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Name: Ramanna
Degree: BE
Degree %: 56.00
YOP: 2018
Stream: Mechanical(ME)
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